I've got to start going to sleep early again. My reticence to go to bed at a normal hour is twofold: I *hate* lying awake, staring blindly into the dark waiting to fall asleep, and the internet is just so damn easy. All of a sudden, checking the news at one am seems like an essential part of my day.
I feel like I should be getting something done. And I'm going to be so tired in my 8am tomorrow.
Greg's memorial service was nice. Very Protestant, endless hymn verses and we sat down the whole time. There was an enormous flower arrangement right in the middle of the choir. Bradley said it best -- I'm uncomfortable with institutionalized religion. But it was okay, since I went for Faeryn, and Maya, and to watch Master Campbell be quietly awkward.
Someone asked me if my family was Quaker today. I just looked at him, and then I thought about what it might have been like, not to have been Catholic. Would I have been as intense, and would I still have extracted myself? And if I had, would I have been able to go back? I'm [finally] trying to square with Christianity, because holding it against the world is exhausting. I've been seeing it abused so often, though (and I don't just mean historically) -- too often for me to feel better than mildly-uneasy about organized religion.
reading: my email
listening to: tout doucement // feist
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