I am apparently incapable of having one solidly good weekend.
Procrastination takes over again. I know I *should* care about the next three mini-chapters of Les Choses but I'm pretty sure that they'll be as boring as the first two. And that whole "second year seminar" thing? I've skimmed Equiano and Carretta's notes on the biography; I couldn't care less about the forum discussions that come later. My paper is due ... three and a half hours ago. I guess I'll submit it tomorrow afternoon? After I've written it, I mean. Pretty good, for a class that has no structure.
Don't even get me started on all the British & Jewish American history that I've earmarked as 1) unessential and 2) boring. I'll probably never catch up on all of that. Moreover, it probably won't matter at all.
Adviser meeting tomorrow afternoon, DMP meeting Tuesday morning, application due Wednesday by four. Riding with little Andi Wednesday afternoon. Jewish History paper and topic statement for English final paper due Thursday. Leaving for Williamsburg on Friday, coming back Sunday. One whole week of life pushed into three sentences.
My lips are chapped and burning, my stomach hurts and I'm hungry, I seem to be falling asleep and the edge of my laptop is digging into my arm.
This all seems ridiculous. I'm going for a walk, to think, to get food, to get away from this fucking miserable evening.
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