I am annoyed that I failed to realize class was cancelled this morning until about 5 minutes before I had to leave. By which point, of course, I was up, showered, dressed, and on my way out the door.
Sigh. I sent off the paper that's due by noon, so that's good. Now I just have to:
write my weekly seminar paper
write my final seminar paper (AUGH. and do all the reading for it)
write my exposition de style en francais (which reminds me, I need a cool place in the 'ville to write about)
go to the Hearing Israel : 60 Years of Music and Culture conference at Darden
++ all my usual reading work. Go me!
But, today I am feeling cute, and my super cute girlfriend is coming to the ville! Yay for that. I'm also due for a free coffee at the bookstore (coffee cart loyalty cards, represent) and I think I might just skip out on some of that work for the moment and go shopping for new jeans, since my old ones ripped yesterday. What will I ride in now? And more importantly, what will I wear?
things I need:
sunglasses (aviator style? will I be mocked for this?)
new jeans x2
summer clothes (blech)
a summer work schedule
keys from sophi x2
new stirrup irons + leathers for Jessica
grocery store things (lists never work for me there)
things I have:
halfchaps (brown, size small, up for grabs)
tons + tons of new music
a pony!
I'm going to rethink this whole jeans thing today; it's supposedly super warm. Ah, what a glorious lack of productvity today.
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