Monday, February 4, 2008

this is the way that we love

I'm wandering away from my paper yet again, despite the fact that it's only two pages long and I have about three sentences to go.

School is so exhausting. Everyone in my history seminar spent the ten minutes before class started counting how many times they'd seen each other at some frat party last Saturday. Gag me with a rusty spoon. Since when is "sleeping until 4pm" a bragging point? If I'm going to be in bed all day, it had damn well better be for more than just passing out.

This is my way of saying that it's 11:30pm and I'm ready to fall over from tired. I didn't realize how mentally *taxing* it would be to talk about slavery as a global phenomenon for two and a half hours on Monday nights. It's especially taxing when you have to explain to the frat boy across from you what "the patriarchy" is ... and he STILL doesn't get it. Tabula rasa, baby. And not in a good way.

Paper finished, self put in bed. Seven hours of sleep and then we start over.

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